I believe the greater art is, the more it questions meaning, without ever revealing all its mysteries.
Mayo Bucher 2023
Consequentely Mayo's main interest is to focus on the intersection of fine art towards architecture, communication and transcultural identity.
Since the passing away of his mother, swiss avantgarde-artist Heidi Bucher 1926-1993 and his father, sculpturer Carl Bucher 1935-2015 together with his brother Indigo Bucher, the family and studio are likewise strongly envolved in managing the two estates.
since 2013 curatorial projects:
1963 born in Zürich
Citizen of Zurich, Switzerland and Toronto, Canada
1981-1986 studied graphic design at ZHdK, Zürich
1987 Stage / Hochschule für angewandte Kunst (painting) Wien
Hochschule für Kunst und Gestaltung (University of visual arts) Lucerne
Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst (Academy of visual arts) HGB Leipzig
University of Boston (London)
Fachhochschule Architektur Frankfurt
Universita della Svizzera Italiana, Accademia Architectura, Mendrisio
Selected group exhibitions
1990 Shedhalle, Zürich
1991 Kunsthaus Oerlikon, Zürich
1991 Art Magazin, Zürich
1991 Kulturpanorama, Lucerne
1994 Steirischer Herbst (co-conception club DADADA), Graz
1994 Haus für Konstruktive und Konkrete Kunst, Zürich
1995 Museum für Gestaltung, Basel
1996 Gerhard Marcks Haus, Bremen
1996 Sala Pelaires, Palma de Mallorca
1997 Galerie Schenker, Luzern
1998 UNO (world aids day conference), Geneva
1998 Royal museum of Art / AGI conference, Toronto
1999 The Gallery of the University of Brighton
2001 Galerie Werner Bommer, Zürich
2002 Stedelijk Museum "Le nouveaux salon des XX" / Amsterdam
2002 ongoing KUNST multiple-art / Art Zürich & Galerie Werner Bommer
2002 Musée Toulouse-Lautrec, "Le nouveaux salon des XX" / Albi
2003 Galerie Lelong, Zürich
2004 -2006 Artforum Berlin, Galerie Judin Zurich / Berlin
2005 ART Cologne, Galerie Judin Zurich / Berlin
2006 "Kunst und Bau" Architekturforum Zürich
2008 Christies, Kunsthaus Zürich "Swissart"
2010 Absolute Artspace Barcelona
2010 ART BASEL "special guest” Thomas Ammann Fine Art AG, Zürich
2013 Museé Carré d'Art Contemporain Nimes, MOVING curated by Norman Foster
2013 ARA Artcenter / Seoul (ECM)
2013 Atelier Aki, contemporary art gallery / Seoul
2017 Curuna Ardez "Fallingwater"
2019 Haus für Kunst Uri "Nature between Desire and Reality"
Selected one-man exhibitions
1996 Galerie Studio 10 Chur / with Seraina Feuerstein
1997 Galerie Schenker Lucerne
1998 Galerie Peter Bäumler, Regensburg
2002 Gallery of the University of Brighton
2002 Galerie Werner Bommer, Zürich
2002 Academy of visual Arts, HGB Leipzig
2003 Metahaus Berlin
2004 IG alte Halle Rapperswil / with Seraina Feuerstein
2005 Galerie Costa, Pontresina / St. Moritz
2005 Galerie Jürg Judin (Haunch of Venison) Zürich
2006 Galerie Elisabeth Costa, Pontresina
2006 Galerie Pesko, Lenzerheide
2011 Absolute Artspace, Barcelona
2012 Museo Nacional Palacio del Marquez de Dos Aguas,Valencia
2015 LAMA, Latin American Modern Architecture, Sao Paulo
2023 MAYO ARDEZ curated by Sabine Schaschl
Selected work in architectural context
1999 "EMME" Emmenbrücke / with Lussi & Halter Architects, Lucerne
2001 "Wallwork" for AMGEN European Headquarters, TGS Architects, Lucerne
2001 Sulzer Headquarters, Winterthur / Wallwork, with Burkhalter & Sumi Architects, Zürich
2005 Interferent-wallwork, New KV City of Baden / with Neff & Neumann Architects Zürich
2005 Zurich Financial Services, Mural for the new Headquarters / Architecture by Ramseier Associates,
2006 "HAMAM" Hotel Schweizerhof Lenzerheide / with Max Dudler Architects, Zürich / Berlin
2007 "NEWS" Wallwork Inkjet on silver, Kirchgemeindehaus Wollishofen / with Spiro & Gantenbein Architects, Zürich
2007 "The FIFA Presidents" FIFA Headquarters Zürich / with Tilla Theus Architects, Zürich
2008 “Bain rouge” public Interferent-wallwork for the City of Baden (collaboration S. Feuerstein)
2008 "Glattalpark" Interferent-colorconception Apartment Buildings / with Beat Rothen Architects, Winterthur
2009 „Hagendorn“ public school (collaboration S. Feuerstein) with Jüngling & Hagmann Architects, Chur
2009 “Papillon” Apartment Buildings in Zürich (collaboration S. Feuerstein) Guagliardi Ruoss Architects, Zürich
2010 -2012 Interferent-colorconception Apartment Buildings, Rotkreuz, with Lussi & Halter Architects Lucerne
2009 -2014 „Girasole“ SBB CFF FFS National Swiss Railways, New Headquarters Bern with Lussi & Halter Architects, Lucerne
2011-2014 Interferentfassade, Shoppingcenter Spreitenbach, with TK Architects, Zürich
2017-2019 "Jabeetower" Dübendorf overall Art-and Material conception / Architecture by Sattler Partner
2021-2023 Three Point, Dübendorf Art conception / Architecture by Meier Hess
1996 Catalog “SINNBILDER” Sala Pelaires, Palma de Mallorca
2002 Monograph "OPEN SIGN" by the University of Brighton / Academy of visual Arts HGB, Leipzig
Lars Müller Publishers & ECM
2011 Catalog “MOONWALKER” Absolute Artspace Barcelona
2013 Museé Carré d`Art Contemporain Nimes "Moving" curated by Norman Foster
2015 Catalogue "THE LAMA PROJECT" Sao Paulo, Brazil
2019 Catalogue "Nature between Desire and Reality" Haus für Kunst Uri
Awards /others
1989 DU “diesseits dreissig” art and culture magazine nr.1
1991 Award of Recognition from the City and Canton of Lucerne
1994 Swiss federal grant
1994 Artis, art journal "club dadada"
1995 idea, design X, Japan
1996 "Sinnbilder"(symbols) catalogue / text Volker Schunck
1997 Beginning of the ongoing collaboration with ECM, Munich
1997 "Next" Swiss TV DRS / "Kulturzeit" TV 3sat
1998 Hochparterre, article "Quadratforscher"
1998 Lecture "the edge" for BDG Akademie, Munich
1998 "flag-ships" installation in Zürich international airport
1999 AGI congress “4-letter-word poetry-performance” Pontresina
1999 "TRUE LIFE" Kunstbulletin / Südostschweiz
1999 "4-letter-words" poem & music mix on cd
1999 "Next" Swiss TV DRS / "Kulturzeit" TV 3sat
2002 MDR Kultur “Artour” German TV and Radio Broadcast / Sachsen Fernsehen
2003 AREA 100, Phaidon press, New York
2004 BELLEVUE reviews in NZZ, Südostschweiz, Tagesanzeiger, Linthzeitung
2004 "Heidi Bucher / mother of pearl” retrospective-exhibition / co-conception migrosmuseum for contemporary art, zürich
2007 BLACKBOX poetryperformance, Kino Apollo St. Gallen
2011 “Jasmin” & “RIO” by Keith Jarrett / ongoing coverdesign for ECM, Munich
2017 "Fallingwater" Curuna Ardez - curatorial project